“Music is for life” is our motto.

Music is for Life
We are a community based organization who come together weekly, September – June to practice and celebrate music. We are comprised of two ensembles, a large concert band and a smaller jazz band or big band.
Our conductors for the 2024-2025 season are Dr. Angela Schroeder and Brian Demuynck.
Info about our past conductors can be found here: Past Conductors
For a brief history of the band, see more info here: History

Dr. Schroeder, an accomplished trumpet player, is currently Assistant Professor of Music in the Department of Music of the University of Alberta. She is the Director of Bands, the area coordinator for the Winds and Percussion, and conducts the Symphonic Wind Ensemble and the Concert Band. She also teaches courses in conducting and wind band education, and works with Graduate students in Wind Band conducting.
Our concert band was a record size in the 2023-2024 season, 91 members, which is incredible, but sadly means we can’t accept all new players at this time, but if you are interested, please contact us (sacbmusicians@gmail.com) and inquire whether we can accommodate you. We love to accept new members where we can. There is no audition process, you just need to love music and have a willingness to learn, as well as for there to be room to have you. Typical level of music read is the Grade 2-4 range. The St. Albert Community Band typically performs twice a year at the Arden theatre, December and June, as well as other community events throughout the year.

Brian Demuynck has been a music teacher in St. Albert for over 20 years. He has been a member of the Gateway Big Band for 20 years and performs regularly with the “IN 4” Jazz Quartet. Brian has a long time association with the St. Albert Community Band, playing clarinet, flute and trombone with the concert band; directing a junior level of the Community Band; and playing alto, tenor and baritone sax, trombone and bass guitar in the big band.
The St. Albert Community Band formed a jazz band in 1985, now known as the Saint City Big Band. As well as performing at the Christmas and Spring concerts, this band has participated in Edmonton Jazz City and performed at Yardbird Suite. A variety of guest clinicians and workshops have been an important part of the jazz band’s development. If you are interested in joining, please contact us (sacbmusicians@gmail.com) to inquire for availability.

Saint City Big Band
We offer an annual scholarship for a post-secondary enrolled student in honour of our Past President and co-founder Gerry Buccini. For more information, please see here: Gerry Buccini Memorial Scholarship

Can I join the St. Albert Community Band or the Saint City Big Band?
While we are pleased to have a no-audition process for joining, current membership is at an all-time high, and therefore all new members must be approved by our conductors. Please inquire for availability, we would love to accommodate any new members we have room for.
When and where do you rehearse?
The St. Albert Community Band calls the St. Albert United Church our home. They graciously took us in when we outgrew our previous rehearsal space. Community Band rehearsals are Tuesdays, 7-9pm at the United Church, September through June. Certain dates will have no rehearsal, keep informed via our membership email list.
The Saint City Big Band rehearses Thursdays at Lorne Akins Junior High School in the Band room, 7-9 pm.
Where do you perform, and when can I see you perform?
We have 2 Arden concerts per season, as well as various other community engagements. Check the Events page for our upcoming shows.
What is the cost of tickets?
Our Arden shows are $15 for Adults, and $10 for Students and Seniors (plus any box office fees). Other events may be free, check our events page for more info.
Can I pay my band fees online?
We accept paypal payments here: Payments
Does the St. Albert Community Band offer any scholarships for local students?
The SACB offers a one-time scholarship of 500 dollars to a post-secondary enrolled student pursuing a music or teaching degree. It is our Gerry Buccini Memorial Scholarship, and details can be found here: Gerry Buccini Memorial Scholarship